Bookkeeping without the Expensive Software

Bookkeeping without expensive software is easy if you set it up correctely.


  1. Only spend on your business bank account.
  2. If you don’t have a business bank account set one up immediately, what were you thinking!?
  3. Make sure you have a VISA or MasterCard facility so you can use it anywhere.Bookkeeping without expensive software
  4. Export your transactions to spreadsheet periodically and enter a category in the first free field.  Suggested categories at the end of the blog.Doing it regularly means you don’t have to wade through receipts to remember what each transaction was.
  5. To speed things up you can select the whole spreadsheet and sort the rows by the description column. This way you have all the suppliers names listed alphabetically which may help with tip 4.

By watching the video and remembering the key tips to Bookkeeping without expensive software, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and stress.


Contact us if you have any queries, we’re happy to help.

If your business employs people, is a company or trust, or you are required or wish to producer financial statements, you may need a specialist bookkeeping software such as Xero or Quickbook Intuit

Transaction Categories

Drawings – Money taken for Owner
Asset e.g. Laptop, equipment Over $1,000
Asset e.g. Lenses < $1,000
Advertising and promotion
Bad debts written off
Bank fees and charges
Borrowing expenses
Cartage and freight
Cleaning and rubbish removal
Contract Payments
Drench, dip
Environment protection exp
Fuel and oil
Government charges, fees, etc
Hire or rent of plant, equip.
Home office
Insurance premiums
Interest (Australian)
Interest (overseas)
Landcare/water conservation
Lease payments
Legal fees
Materials and supplies
Minor Equip < $1,000
Pest and weed control
Printing and stationery
Protective clothing etc
Rates and land taxes
Rent on land and buildings
Replacements (tools etc)
Royalties (Australian)
Salaries, wages – ordinary
Salaries, wages – associates
Subscriptions & publications
Sundry expenses
Superannuation – ordinary
Travel & accommodation
Veterinary expenses
Superannuation – associates